Deploying your quizzes and the Result Management module 
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Distribute your own quizzes and the Result Management tools

  1. Create first a standalone executable quiz. To do so, in Atlence Click'n Study, click on the Quiz (Questionnaire) menu and then Create a standalone executable file (Créer un exécutable autonome).

    Create a standalone executable quiz with Atlence Click'n Study

  2. You must then create a setup program which will easily and automatically perform the following operations on each computer where the quiz need to be run: copying quiz files, creating shortcuts in the Start menu, setting up the Result Management tool.

    To so so, download and install the free software Inno Setup from Once the software is installed, launch it and follow the instructions below.

    • Once Inno Setup is started, a dialog box appears. Check the  Create a new script file using the Script Wizard box and then validate by clicking OK. A wizard opens.
    • Click Next and then in the next step, fill in the following information:

      Creating a new installation script in InnoSetup

      Wizard to create a setup script in Inno Setup

      • Application Name: name of your quiz, for example: English Basics quiz;
      • Application Name including version: name of your quiz followed by its version number, for example: English Basics quiz 1.1;
      • Application publisher(optional): your name or company;
      • Application website (optional): your personal website.

      Click the Next button when information is filled in correctly.

      Specifying information about the quiz in Inno Setup

    • The next step is not important. It allows you to define the destination folder where the quiz files will be copied. Click on the Next > button.

      Selecting the folder where the quiz is installed

    • This step is important. Click the Add Files button and select the executable file of the quiz (the one created in step 1). Click the Browse button and select again the executable file of the quiz.

      Note: if you want to distribute the Result Management tool, click the Add Files button and browse to the folder where you have installed Atlence Click'n Study (by default C:\Program Files\Atlence Click'n Study) and select the file Gestion des élèves.exe.

      Click the Next button.

      Selection of the quiz to distribute

    • This step allows you to define shortcuts to create.
      • If you want to create a link to your website in the Start menu, check Create an Internet shortcut in the Start menu;
      • If you want to create a shortcut to the uninstaller, check Create an Uninstall shortcut in the Start menu;
      • If you want to create a shortcut on the Desktop, check Allow user to create a desktop icon;
      • If you want to create a shortcut in the Quick Launch bar, check Allow user to create a Quick Launch icon.

      Click Next twice and then Finish.

      Finish screen of the wizard to create a setup script in Inno Setup

    • Click No to the message that appears ("Would you like to compile the new script now?")
  3. To change the language of the setup program, for example translate it into French, download the language file at and save it in the folder where you Inno Setup is installed (by default, C:\Program Files\Inno Setup 5 or C:\Program Files (x86)\Inno Setup 5). Then add the following lines in the script:

    Name: default; MessagesFile: compiler:French.isl

    where French.isl is the name of the language file that you downloaded.

  4. If you want to distribute the Result Management tool, you need also add the following lines in the script.

    In the [File] section, add the following code:

    Source: "C:\Program Files\Atlence Click'n Study\Gestion des Élèves.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion");

    In the [Run] section, add the following code:

    Filename: {app}\Gestion des élèves.exe; StatusMsg: Initialising Result Management tool...; parameters: \install

    In the [Icons] section, add the following code:

    Name: {group}\Gestion des résultats; Filename: {app}\Gestion des élèves.exe; Comment: View / print your results.

  5. Save the script by clicking Save As in the File menu.
  6. To create the setup program, click on the Build menu and then on the Compile command. An executable file is generated. It is named setup.exe and is located in the Output folder where you saved the script.

    Compiling the installation script in Inno Setup

  7. You can distribute the executable file, by example by putting it on your website for download.
Download a sample script.

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